Making it in NYC

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Archive for the ‘work’ Category

… only because you’re pretty

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So I was at a casting the other day when I bump into an acquaintance and we do the typical bullshit small talk.

How’ve you been?
What have you booked?
Who are your agents?
Who’s your manager?
bullshit bullshit bullshit… oh I’m UP, see you next time.

Well this time I was stuck on a line so while having this conversation this girl goes, Oh you have it so easy but “only because you’re pretty”.

Light a deer in the headlights I cracked a half smile and said thanks. She continues speaking but all I could think of was, WTF I’m offended. I don’t think being “Pretty” has anything to do with being a successful actor or model. I mean if the room wasn’t filled with similar looking people then the casting directors did a bad job right?
Pretty is defined by the casting director for the certain project that they are working on. But when people wonder how I can survive without a side job and still have time and funds to enjoy my life I tell them, I invest my time.

If it requires me to book a trip to LA to just meet with an agent then I would. If it requires me to sit around all day and wait for 5 min of time to speak to someone big then i will do it. I’ve gotten home from set at 2am when the following day’s call time was 4:30am. I’ve worked gigs that paid minimum wage and i’ve worked a single day’s that were equivalent to a year of minimum wage. I go to 15-20 castings a month and get turned down for the majority. I’ve booked trips around the world and had to cancel the day of just to go to castings because when you are you’re own boss you have to make that decision.

Own your look and don’t give up. If you do give up let me know where to send a thank you card because I’ll more the gladly take you’re spot on that next McDonald’s commercial.

over and out

Written by mikechan007

December 12, 2010 at 11:24 pm

Posted in acting, ME, work

Guilt & Greed

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Sometimes I feel a little guilty.

The other night as I was taking care of some bills and preparing for taxes, I realized that sometimes I get paid a lot of money to do ridiculous things.   Most recently it was to pretend to be having fun with a bunch of friends out side a bar about to go have a drink. 3 hours later, I walk out with a check that would have taken someone working an entry level position about two month to earn.  That’s when I started to feel a little guilt.  Then I realized that I’m doing this full time and I’m making it!

Today a few agents call me for a few jobs and I turned down jobs that didn’t seem to profitable and was pushing for the gig that would send me to South America for a week.  That familiar feeling of guilt and greed was creeping up on me.  I would ask about how much would I get for the day, how much per diem, if I would be flying business, how is the hotel?,  would I be getting residuals?

I mean I’m just doing business and I guess this is when I started to think, “I worked hard to get here.  Anyone can dream, but it takes time and effort to make it happen.”

All of the days that I wasn’t paid or paid close to nothing for working 12+ hour days.
All of the times a casting director would say no and i would wonder why.
All of the days where I would be running on 0 – 3 hours of sleep per night.
All of the days I would have to lug around wardrobe and be on set by 6am.

Don’t get me wrong, honestly I love it.  But guess what, I also earned it.

But I do thank all of my friends and family, no one has ever doubted or questioned me doing what I do now.  If anything they questioned why haven’t I started sooner.

My question for you is, Do you enjoy what you’re doing?

Written by mikechan007

March 16, 2010 at 2:48 am

Posted in acting, ME, work

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